Research Network for Culture, Law and the Body


Conference Beyond Binaries: Intersex Body Politics in Premodern Islamic Legal, Medical, and Literary Discourses

International Conference Beyond Binaries: Intersex Body Politics in Premodern Islamic Legal, Medical, and Literary Discourses Utrecht University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Sweelinckzaal (Drift 21, room 0.05) Wednesday 26 June 2024 While, on the one hand, numerous studies have currently focused on the history of Islamic doctrines and cultural traditions concerning gender and sexuality,…

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PhD defence Pauline Dirven 6 Sept. 2024

On Friday 6 September 2024 at 10.15 Pauline Dirven will defend her thesis ‘Embodied Performances of Forensic Expertise: Epistemic Virtues, Emotions, and Gender in British Forensic Culture 1920-1980’ at Utrecht University, Academy Building (Domplein).

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online talk Samuel Moyn 29 May: Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies

On 29 May 15.00-16.30 (BST) prof. Samuel Moyn will give a talk on ‘Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies’ as part of the ‘Critical Legal Talks Series’, an international collaboration between the QMUL Law Department, the Queen Mary Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS), and the Group of Critical Studies in Politics, Law and Society…

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13 September 2024: Workshop Criminal Interrogation: Past & Present

On 13 September 2024, we are organizing an interdisciplinary workshop on the past and present of criminal interrogation in Utrecht, The Netherlands. If you study criminal interrogation or have encountered interrogations in your research, please consider submitting a proposal by 15 May 2024. You can find the full call for papers here.

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15 Dec. 2023: book talk Sexual History Evidence and the Rape Trial

On Friday 15 December 2023; 12.00-13.15 (GMT)=13.00-14.15 (Dutch time), the Research Network for Culture, Law and the Body will host dr Yvette Russell (Associate Professor of Law and Feminist Theory), University of Bristol and prof. Joanne Conaghan (Professor of Law, University of Bristol Law School), who will discuss their recently published book Sexual History Evidence…

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PhD defence Nathanje Dijkstra 12 Jan. 2024: Law, Disability and Incapacity to Work

On 12 January 2024 at 12.15, Nathanje Dijkstra will defend her PhD dissertation ‘Making Up Incapacity for Work? How Government Officials, Medical Experts and Disabled Workers Brought Incapacity for Work into Being in the First Dutch Social Security Law (1901-1967)’. By targeting the cultural impact and by critically examining the practical and material consequences of…

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PhD defence Sara Serrano Martínez: Franco’s infanticide legislation 3 Nov. 2023

On 3 November, Sara Serrano Martínez will defend her PhD dissertation ‘The Infanticide Article Under Franco, 1937-1963: ‘Leniency’, Judicial Discretion and Forensic Knowledge’. Serrano analyses how the ‘infanticide article’ in the Spanish Penal Codes from the early decades of the Franco dictatorship (1937-1963) was interpreted and applied by judges. More information:

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Workshop History of Bodily Integrity 22 June 2023

On 22 June 2023, a workshop on ‘The History of Bodily Integrity’ was organized. You can find the programme here. The body has become an important category of analysis in histories of medicine, and increasingly also in cultural and political history more broadly. One new avenue of research is the theme of bodily integrity, which…

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Symposium ‘Het recht van top tot teen’

On the 9th of June 2023, Utrecht law students from student organization Sirius organized the Symposium ‘Het recht van top tot teen’. Willemijn Ruberg gave the keynote titled ‘Het recht op lichamelijke integriteit: een geschiedenis’ (‘The right to bodily integrity: a history’).    

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